On 26 and 27 September 2019 the kickoff workshop of the project “Integrated Security Pilot Region” (INSPIRE) took place at the AStA Stadtcampus in Paderborn. The working meeting was initiated by Robin Marterer (project coordinator), Elke Kepper (Detmold District Government), and Christiane Boschin-Heinz (Chief Digital Officer of the City of Paderborn, Digitisation Unit). Together, safety innovation center e.V. in cooperation with the City of Paderborn and the District of Paderborn, University of Paderborn (C.I.K.), Symcon GmbH, RTB GmbH & Co. KG and Viafly GmbH first clarified all open questions regarding the project before the working meeting was divided into various workshops. Various posters were designed to explore the initial situation, uncover potentials and risks and draw conclusions for the pilot operation. What competencies do the partners bring to INSPIRE? What is the potential of the various sub-projects overall concept/application/integration, Smart Home/Building, Person Flow Measurement, Drones, Social Media and the accompanying scientific research for INSPIRE? What about the technical implementation of INSPIRE and how should the project proceed from an organisational point of view? These and many other questions were successfully answered in the workshops.
Further information on the INSPIRE project and on future milestones can be found at any time at: www.INSPIREprojekt.de or at https://www.safetyinnovation.center/category/news/.
Image source: safety innovation center gGmbH