Just over a year ago, the “Integrated Security Pilot Region” (INSPIRE) was launched. This project, which is funded by the state of NRW in the Digital Model Region OWL, aims to integrate various individual solutions in civil hazard prevention and to demonstrate them in a pilot operation in Paderborn, which should enable transferability to other regions. With the integration of the sub-projects Smart Home/Building, people flow measurement, drones and social media, the project has taken a big step towards this goal with the 2nd milestone.
The virtual meeting for the second milestone of the project took place on August 13, 2020. The meeting was divided into two content blocks. The first block contained a virtual demonstration run, in which the everyday operation of the fire brigade was simulated with three small operations. The INSPIRE.app was available as a tool for the chief of operations. In the second block the background of the individual work packages was presented. The project partners and guests used the opportunity for a lively exchange. On the following day, 14 August 2020, a working meeting on INSPIRE took place. The aim of the working meeting was to coordinate the further procedure and the next steps in the project. The focus is now on the networking of the sub-projects among each other and on the implementation of the pilot operation, which will practically illustrate the project results in the future.
We thank all participants who took the time to discuss the current status of the project with us!
More information about the project is available at: https://www.INSPIREprojekt.de
Image source: safety innovation center gGmbH