Digital transformation in civil emergency response: Study shows need for action

Survey participants from the fire departments, aid organizations and technical relief agency are dissatisfied with the digital development in their organizations. This is the result of a study on digital transformation in civil emergency response, which the Paderborn safety innovation center e.V. conducted on behalf of the German Fire Protection …

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Apply now! Strengthen our team and advance the “Digitisation for civil safety”. We are looking forward to meeting you!  #job #application #joboffer #jobsearch #research #digitisation #safety Further information:

Strengthening links between technologies and society for European disaster resilience (LINKS)

The aim of LINKS is to understand and assess the impact of social media and crowd-sourcing (SMCS) on European resilience to disasters. In the course of the project, a framework will be developed that can be used to understand, assess and manage SMCS in disaster situations. The LINKS framework consists …

Workshop on the study “Digital Transformation in Civil Security”

On 9th July 2020 the workshop for the study “Digital Transformation in Civil Security” took place. Representatives from the fields of standardisation, economy, research and civil security met virtually to actively discuss different aspects of digital transformation. The workshop began with an introduction of the participants to the current status …