Workshop on the study “Digital Transformation in Civil Security”

On 9th July 2020 the workshop for the study “Digital Transformation in Civil Security” took place. Representatives from the fields of standardisation, economy, research and civil security met virtually to actively discuss different aspects of digital transformation. The workshop began with an introduction of the participants to the current status …

INSPIRE at the virtual conference “Digitisation in Local Communities”

Since the current situation does not allow an exchange of presence as usual and digitisation has taken on a new significance in society in recent times, the conference “Digitisation in Local Communities” took place virtually on 19th June 2020. After the visitors were welcomed via stream by Prof. Dr. Andreas …

Practice of the IRiS project in Münster

Can SmartHomes help save lives? The fire departments of Borchen and Paderborn tested this last month as part of the IRiS (“Intelligent Rescue in SmartHome”) project. In the project, partners from civil emergency response, research and the SmartHome industry are jointly investigating how modern technology can help save lives and …

Start of the study “Digital Transformation in Civil Emergency Response”

The Association for the Promotion of German Fire Protection and the safety innovation center have launched a study entitled “Digital Transformation in Civil Emergency Response”. The aim of the study is to examine the current state of digitisation in civil emergency response. In addition, research will be conducted into how …