One of the objectives of the research project “Mobile Information System for Process Optimisation in Fire Services and Public Administrations” (Mobis Pro) is to support fire services in preventive and defensive fire protection. This will enable mobile electronic data collection and improve access to existing data. Emergency personnel on site are provided with extended, mission-relevant information. Optimised procedures are achieved in daily service business as well as a broader information base for decision making in the case of use.
Source and further information: https://www.uni-paderborn.de/nachricht/5601/
Research project MobisPro: Funding within the programme “SimoBIT – sichere Anwendung der mobilen Informationstechnik (IT) zur Wertschöpfungssteigerung in Mittelstand und Verwaltung” of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) with a duration of three years and round about 2 million Euro.